Family Life

The Falkenham Family Experience: Everything You Need to Know to Survive Us

Jesus Murphy, I am writing my first blog post.

If you are reading this, you are actually witnessing a miracle. And not some portrait of Notorious B.I.G appearing in a grilled cheese sandwich miracle. Somehow you have the navigated your way across the vastness of the internet and landed on my website. “My website” – that is the miracle of which I speak. After three years of suggestions, encouragement, and downright kicks to the ass from my family, friends and photography peers, I have finally accomplished what I have long resisted and believed I did not need or want.

I. Have. A. Website. (With my own name on it and everything!)

While writing those words in black and white is completely exhilarating, it is also simultaneously terrifying because now that I have a space, I need to nurture it. Bloody hell. I can barely keep houseplants alive. Who is going to care about visiting my website? I am a middle age momma and wife who works full time, raises a small flock of sheep plus a myriad of other pets and just so happens to love taking pictures of people.

But guess what? A funny thing happened along the way to getting here. I stopped worrying about that. This is MY space. And while I plan on showing my photographic work here, you will also be getting excerpts of me, my family, our life and all the things that make us who we are. I strongly believe getting to know us is an intrinsic part of my ability to capture you in photographs.

If you have gotten this far, then you have may have already figured out that I write like I talk. Kind of scary, but hopefully in the way a roller coaster scares the bejeepers out of you and so much fun is had that you can’t help but get back on to ride it again and again. Just imagine what you will learn in say, a year from now just from the sheer fact that I am not afraid to say pretty much anything.

In the meantime, let me introduce you to a small sampling of the cast of characters that raid my fridge, fray my patience and fill my heart to its bursting point.

Loveable arsehole #1

Loveable arsehole #1

Loveable arsehole #3 (cat not kid, although there are days…)

Loveable arsehole #3 (cat not kid, although there are days…)

Mum, Dad and the tiny army we created ourselves <3

Mum, Dad and the tiny army we created ourselves <3

Loveable arsehole #2

Loveable arsehole #2

Flock of arseholes

Flock of arseholes

If seeing all this chaos doesn’t deter you, then you will fit in with us just fine. A sense of humour, love of bear hugs, and a couple of energy bars is the only survival guide you will need. Bring on the adventures!
